

Another Success for the National Education Achievement Award: #welldone

The Exchange House National Education Achievement Award (NEAA) took place on October 24th, 2014 at the Wood Quay Venue in Dublin.

Over forty Traveller students were there to receive their awards for academic achievements along with over 150 people from across the country made up of proud parents, siblings, extended families, teachers, tutors and friends.

Our guest of honour for the evening was Councillor Críona Ní Dhálaigh, representing the Lord Mayor of Dublin, who added her congratulations during her keynote speech.

Sarah Jane Dunne was on hand to present the awards and to offer words of encouragement and shared her experience and pride from the accomplishment of her own academic achievements.

We at Exchange House feel privileged each year to host the event which sees Travellers from all over the island of Ireland come together to celebrate their academic success and to support and encourage other Travellers who follow after, on their own academic journeys. “It was a fantastic night and you could clearly see the unlimited potential of the recipients and the joy of their families”, remarked Cathleen McDonagh Clark, Education Service Manager, Exchange House.

A video ‘#WellDone’ was launched on the night which saw people from all parts of Irish society congratulating recipients on their success.  We would like to thank, once again, our colleagues from the other national Traveller organisations for lending their words of wisdom, support and congratulations to the award winners. Exchange House's Chief Executive; Catherine Morley, said “We have only one purpose here tonight and that is to celebrate your achievement and to take this opportunity to say WELL DONE to you, to your families and to everyone who has supported you to achieve.”

Pictures of the event will soon be posted on our website. 

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