

Traveller Women’s Mental Health and Wellbeing: Call for Participants

Call for Group Participants


Exchange House Ireland and National Traveller Women’s Forum are conducting a small pilot study into Traveller women’s mental health and wellbeing. We want to know what impacts on or supports Traveller women’s mental health. We also want to learn where Traveller women are accessing information, advice or support in relation to mental health.

National Traveller Women’s Forum and Exchange House Ireland will run 3-4 group meetings during the months of October, November and early December across Ireland. These groups are open to all Traveller women over the age of 18. Each group will be facilitated by a staff member of National Traveller Women’s Forum and/or Exchange House Ireland.

At these meeting we will be asking the group their thoughts on the mental health of Traveller women in general and the groups thoughts on what supports or impacts on Traveller women’s mental health. We will not ask any participant about their personal experiences. There will be support available to all who participate both during the meeting and after.

We are seeking the support of local Traveller organisations and groups to:

Help us host a meeting in their area or region,
Advertise the research study and the meetings with Traveller women in their local area
Participate and give their input in relation to Traveller women’s mental health.

Information gathered from the groups may be used by Exchange House Ireland and/or National Traveller Women’s Forum for research or presentation purposes. All information gathered and used will be anonymised; no names or identifying factors will be included.

If your organisation is interested, please contact Patricia Mc Keever ( or Cathryn Mannion, National Traveller Women’s Forum ( by Tuesday, November 1st.



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