

Exciting new training programme to develop digital skills

Exchange House Ireland, in partnership with our European Partners from the My Community 2020 project, have developed an exciting new digital skills development course for those who want to learn how to record and edit video and audio on their smartphone!

"History in the Making"

Be Part of Our Story

The course will also form part of Exchange House Ireland's 40th Birthday celebrations in 2020, by producing a historical record of the history of Exchange House Ireland to add to the library of Traveller history in Ireland.

The course is five modules in all:

  1. An Introduction to Storytelling
  2. An Introduction to Local History
  3. Interview Techniques
  4. Local Media Visits
  5. Practical Digital Skills

The course will be held over 5 weeks on Thursdays (6th, 13th, 20th Feb, 5th & 12th Mar 2020)

The course is free, with lunch provided, and participants travel expenses will be covered.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in joining the course, please call Simon on 01 872 1094 or email him at







For more info on the My Community 2020 Project click here





Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


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