

EU Programme Sunia Geel - 5th Partner Meeting in Stuttgart, Germany

The Sunia Geel partners came together in Stuttgart, Germany, at the end of January 2013, for their final meeting.The meeting was an opportunity to review all the activities of the project and finalise the final products and reports.

The reviewing process allowed the partners to list all the successes of the project in their respective home country - and indeed there were many - telling of how many women and children were directly assisted because of the project; how local Social Workers were able to connect with our target minority groups where they could not before; how awareness of the issues with local and national bodies and governments increased; to name but a few.

Partners were also able to show how they see further developments and continuation of certain practices, now in place because of the project, long after Sunia Geel is over. Certain outcomes that were not anticipated, both positive and negative, were also highlighted proving that the issues surrounding the project were very large and complex.

The final products of the project were also reviewed. These included such products as the extensive pan-European research carried out, the training developed for service providers, and information pathways for ethnic minority groups in Europe. Much of the work had already been done before the meeting, but it was an excellent opportunity to "dot the Is and cross the Ts". The final products will made available for all EU citizens at the end of the project, in late February, via and the partners' own websites.

On the final day of the meeting all the partners visited the YASEMIN Project. This centre provides counselling for young female migrants in Stuttgart. Representatives from the project gave an in depth review of the services they offer including prevention and combating domestic violence within these migrant communities. Sister organisations of YASEMIN also made presentations to the partners including, ROSA who provide refuge services for victims of domestic violence within migrant committees and Elternweiterbilung im Rems-Murr-Kreis who offer support services and group therapy to young immigrant women with new born babies. These various services come under the umbrella of 'eva - Evangelischen Gesellschaft' (the Protestant churches social fund) All partners found the presentations fascinating and new relationships were formed.

Ar the end of all the meeting the partners left with a mixture of emotions: a great sense of pride and joy at the very successful conclusion of the project but also a deep sadness that our close working relationship is now over. But fortunately, many great friendships have been formed and no one left in any doubt that we would all see one another again

EVA Stuttgart

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