

Tender Call Out - Invitation to Tender to complete an Organisational Review followed by support to develop Exchange House Ireland Strategic Plan 2023-2027

The Exchange House Ireland Board see 2023 as a time to take stock of our progress against the current strategy as well as identify achievements and shifts since the creation of the last plan in 2019. Added to this, the external context (political, economic, social, technological, environmental, legal) has changed, and we want to understand how to best respond. Our aim is that by autumn 2023 we will (a) understand the strengths and weaknesses of or current structures; (b)understand how we have fared against the current Strategic Priorities; (c) have pinpointed where we believe Exchange House Ireland can make the most significant contribution in serving the Traveller community in Ireland. The organisational review and planning exercise will involve the management team, the full staff team, the Board, service users, funding partners, partner agencies and other identified key stakeholders.

We are seeking to retain a Consultant(s) to undertake a full organisational review and support the development of a Strategic Plan for the years 2023 to 2027. The organisational review should look at the organisational structure and how our four main services are currently functioning. It should identify strengths and weaknesses in our organisation and identify potential gaps that need to be prioritised moving forward. It is envisaged that the new strategic plan will need to include vision, mission, goals, objectives and to provide clear measures of success, target groups, target areas, strategic approaches and activities/projects.

Specifically, these are the outputs we require:

  • Organisational Review – identify current strengths and weaknesses in the current structure of the organisation. Identify gaps in the current structures as well as any inequalities in comparison to similar organisations. It is important to also identify opportunities that exist to feed into the strategic planning process.
  • Evaluate the organisations ability to withstand any further growth and identify areas of specific risks in current structure, communication and decision making.
  • Evaluate success of current plan - to complete a comprehensive Review of our performance against the current strategy; and to facilitate Board and Staff engagement with the results. The review outcomes will form the basis for the priorities selected in the Strategic Plan.
  • To facilitate the development of a 5-year Strategic Plan for Exchange House Ireland (2023- 2027), and to facilitate Board and Staff engagement with the outline proposals.
  • To engage effectively with the Board, all staff, service users and other key stakeholders to develop a shared vision, mission, and strategy.
  • To strengthen learning for key staff and board members with respect to leadership, teamwork, culture, developing and implementing strategy, effective communication, collaboration, and structures.
  • Together with the CEO to present a completed strategy document to Exchange House Ireland Board by the end of September 2023.


For full details on the Tender and how to make a submission click here






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