

Exchange House provides Auricular Acupuncture in the Dochas Centre

Since July 2012, Exchange House National Travellers Service has been providing an Auricular Acupuncture service with huge success.

Many clients of the Family Support Department and participants from the Education Department have been using the service to support their treatment around addiction, stress, insomnia, anxiety and to generally improve their wellbeing.

Due to the demand and positive feedback we have received so far it was decided that it would be of benefit to introduce this service to the Women’s prison as a pilot programme. We provide this service on Mondays between 2-4pm and to date we have had great success, interest and participation from the Traveller Women in the Dochas Centre.

At first we were met with curiosity and a little bit of anxiety about it but as expected the results were great. Feedback so far has been that it is very relaxing and word is spreading quickly amongst the women. We have found that it has an immediate calming effect on some of our more hyperactive participants which has surprised them. It has been an excellent opportunity for discussions around stress, anxiety and addiction openly as a group within the Dochas Centre.

Effects of the treatment include a reduction of cravings or withdrawal symptoms for substances such as alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, marked relaxation, pain relief, improved sleeping patterns and a feeling of well-being. The duration of the treatment is 20 – 45 minutes. Smoking needles, which help to reduce cravings for nicotine, and Wellness Seeds or “Stress Balls”, which have been found to reduce stress levels, are also available.

At Exchange House extensive addiction services are offered through a highly trained professional team. Through this service Individual Counselling, Crisis Intervention, Referral to Appropriate Services, Prison Work, Harm Reduction and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) are offered.

Should you wish to avail of this treatment on an individual/group basis or need to avail of any of our services please phone 01 8721094 to make an appointment. 

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