

Recent Traveller Suicides in Limerick & Tipperary

It was with deep sadness that the National Traveller Suicide Awareness Project learnt of the deaths by suicide over the past 7 days of a 15 year old Traveller girl in Limerick and her 17 year old boyfriend in Tipperary.

The loss of these two young people’s precious lives remind us how vulnerable our young people are and that we must redouble our efforts to reach out, communicate and support young people. Sadly over the last week there has been three girls and two men who died by suicide.

Furthermore, how important it is that the mental health and suicide prevention services connect and support the Traveller community. The rate of suicide amongst the Traveller population is six times higher than the national average and seven times higher than the national figure amongst Traveller men.

The National Traveller Suicide Awareness Project which is funded by the National Office of Suicide Prevention works with Traveller projects providing suicide prevention, intervention and post vention support, training and advocacy and we are acutely aware of the need and demand throughout the country for mental health and suicide prevention services.

Exchange House National Travellers Service which manages and supports the National Travellers Suicide Awareness Service extends its sympathy to the families of these young people and men.

If you need assistance or need to speak with somebody please call the National Traveller Suicide Awareness Project or Exchange House at 01 872 1094.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam

For additional information or help you can contact any of the following services:

Samaritans (24 hours) 1850 609 090
Console Bereavement Support (24 hours) 1800 201 890
One Life Suicide Prevention 1800 247 100
Aware 1890 303 302
Parish of the Travelling People 01 838 8874
TeenLine 1800 833 634
Traveller Counselling Service 086 308 1476
Pieta House 01 601 0000
Travelling to Wellbeing, West Cork Travellers 083 419 3295 - Adele
Travelling to Wellbeing, Travellers of North Cork 087 691 2440 - Sharon
Travelling to Wellbeing, Offaly Travellers 087 621 5297 - Sandra

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