

Tactics - Lifelong Games

Exchange House is continuing to work in partnership with six other organisations across Europe on the EU programme TACTICS.

Tactics has been running in Exchange House and across Europe since 2011 with the aim to support adult lifelong learning in Europe. The TACTICS project intends to use playing games to reach out to socially excluded seniors and older members of marginalized ethnic groups. Games help to promote lifelong learning for seniors. Exchange House created a course for voluntary carers of elders which were piloted all over Europe. The feedback from this course and from the participants was incorporated and the final curriculum was sent to all partner countries just days ago.

In the coming months Exchange House will work closely with the other partner countries to complete the final tasks and meet deadlines. Final products that will be produced include a handbook and a game box which will include a final version of all games agreed and tested by elders in the six different countries.

The project will finish up with a final conference in Innsbruck in September for all partners following up with one in each country after that to show case all the projects work.

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