

Tactics - Lifelong Games - Final Conference Innsbruck, Austria September 2013

On 3rd of September two staff members made their way to Innsbruck for the final meeting of the very successful project; Tactics- Lifelong games.

The project focuses on intergenerational learning and uses games as a tool of promoting social inclusion with elderly  Travellers and  carers in Ireland. The meeting was a three day meeting which would also include a final conference which would display some of the final products.

The days were filled with presentations and plans for our final steps to ensure the successful completion of the project. We completed final tasks such as flyers, translations of the handbook and a summary booklet of the course for carers which Exchange House was the lead partner. It was great to see our final product the GAMEBOX completed and the games of top quality. The most enjoyable day was the Final Conference which took place in a local nursing home where the games had been piloted with elder people. Each partner gave a presentation of the work they had done for the project. We also got a chance to meet carers who took part in the course and elders who had play tested the games during the piloting phase. The Mayor of Innsbruck Mag. Christine Oppitz-Plörer spoke highly of the project and how it had impacted on voluntary carers and the elderly especially those in the nursing home. It was a great way to end the project hearing the successes. It made all the hard work worthwhile.

Following  on from our trip  in Innsbruck, Exchange House held their own final conference The conference brought together Exchange House Staff and learners to mark the completion of the project. On the day we gathered to demonstrate the use of these games, their purpose and the benefits of the games.

All learners and staff showed a great curiosity in the TACTICS products and they asked many questions. It was a fun day for all while using the games and a lot of interest has been generated in the continuation of their use.

TACTICS final products will continue to be used in Exchange House and other organisations. For more information please visit

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