

Tandem Now - Mentorship Programme for Young People September Update

Young adults from the Traveller community are being given an opportunity to take part in an exciting mentoring programme with Exchange House as part of the Tandem Now project.

The project which is funded by the European Commission will be supporting a number of organisations across the EU to set up similar programmes. Austria, Spain, Turkey, Germany, and Italy will be working with young migrants and pairing them with people from their community across a number of different professions. The mentoring programme will be a great opportunity for both the mentees and the mentors as they will be increasing their knowledge and skills base from their participation in the programme.

As the mentoring will be in the form of a blended style using both online and one on one meeting Exchange House has conducted a needs analysis to find out the online tools participants will be using. Those involved said that Gmail and Skype would be the most productive online tools to use and this information has been sent back to the partner countries. Exchange House is looking forward to the projects future and excited to start working with all the participants involved.

If you are interested in this programme or would like any further information please contact Dearbháil or Emma on (01) 872 1094.

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