

A Celebration of Sucess- The National Education Achievement Awards 2013

The 2013 Exchange House National Educational Achievement Award took place on October 18th, 2013 in the Wood Quay Venue, at Dublin City Council.

This Award is presented to Travellers from the 32 counties of Ireland, who had recently completed the Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate, GCSE, A Level examinations or Third Level Courses.  Accompanying the recipients to the event were the families, friends, Teachers and others who has supported them in their education. The event was a great success due to the presence of so many people.  Ms Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs has continued to support the the Awards by presenting again this year, the recipient’s with their certificates. She greatly encouraged the recipient’s and congratulated them on their educational achievements.  

Even though it was a cold, stormy evening outside many people braved the elements and inside the atmosphere was one of celebration, happiness, achievement and fun. Exchange House National Traveller Services hosts this annual event to congratulate the recipients of the award, what they have achieved is valued and applauded. The Award also highlights the increasing uptake in Traveller people accessing formal education. They are role models for other Travellers, who are engaged in, or are considering returning to, formal education while portraying positive images of the Traveller community.

Exchange House National Travellers Service considers it important to celebrate education which is essential to the future of the recipients of the award and to the Traveller community. Traveller people are now more aware of the vast possibilities within education and are taking advantage of these opportunities. Accessing education is providing the opportunity to build for their future, that of their community and society in general.

Exchange House is happy to host this celebration of academic achievement. Catherine Collins one of the young people who attended the event said “A child without education is like a bird without wings”. Tom McDonagh who also attended the event said “Education is very important, it’s like a key, the more you know, the more doors that open”.

We wish all the recipients every success in their studies and continued success in all their future endeavours.

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