

"Families in Debt Crisis" Exchange House is responding to the intimidation

On the 7 of November a representative from Exchange House attended a seminar on responding to intimidation. For many years families of drug users have often been confronted with threats of violence in relation to paying off drug related debts.

The National Family Support Network and the Garda Siochana developed this programme in responding to intimidation through an inter-agency approach. From the training, Exchange House got a better understanding of the process involved for responding to intimidation, reported by family members or service users. There are very clear guide lines involved in relation to supporting a person / family that have been intimidated by drug dealers to repay drug debts.

Following on from the seminar the National Family Support Network would like the agencies who attended the seminar to in cooperate and integrate their guide lines when working with clients who are experiencing intimidation in relation to drug debts. This training will enhance the frontline work that Exchange House is already doing in relation to working with very vulnerable and marginalised clients.

If you or your family have received threats in relation to repayment of drug debts and need advice and support you can contact a member of the family support in Exchange House @ 01-8721094 or alternatively  you can contact the National Family Support Network  @ 01-8365168 or Project Office, Garda National Drugs Unit @ 01-6669900.

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