

Sunia Geel 2: Men service providers working with male perpetrators of domestic violence

As part of the EU Project Sunia Geel 2, Exchange Hose hosted a six session programme on domestic violence.

This aim of the programme was to explore how male professionals work with male perpetrators of domestic violence. The sessions was facilitated by Paul Nugent of Exchange House and Thomas McCann Manager of the Traveller counselling service.  The attendees / professionals represented were from the Garda Diversity and Cultural Awareness Office, Focus Ireland, Probation Service, M.O.V.E. (men overcoming violence), Mullingar traveller mediation initiative, Traveller Counselling Service, Parish of the Travellers, NTSAP, Exchange House Youth Department and Travelling to Wellbeing Mental Health Project. The group was held on the premises of Exchange House.

The group discussed, explored and shared experiences on how best to work with Traveller men around the topic of domestic violence. The aim of the group was to draw up a set of guidelines on how best to work with male perpetrators and support their change of behaviour. The group of professionals worked very well together and came up with very positive, structured recommendations of how best to encourage change from domestic violence.

The focus group agreed that it would be a pioneering service when the findings are assessed and agreed upon on the final session. From within the group some members expressed an interest in delivering such a programme to groups they already work with. There has never been a group of male professionals working on the topic of Domestic Violence within the male Traveller community before and was a very exciting concept for many of the professionals involved.

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