

Sunia Geel 2 Domestic Violence programme creates graphic novel

As part of the Sunia Geel 2 Domestic Violence Project, Exchange House is delivering group programmes for women and young people during February and March 2014.

The Women’s Response Programme will be delivered through group workshops facilitated by Social Workers and an artist. During these groups there will be a number of methods used; these include painting, collage & 3D work. This transcultural biography work will explore people’s stories and memories. The art work produced will be used to create a graphic novel.

The focus of these group sessions is empowerment, building self-esteem and decision making. The programme will be used to inform practice. Involving women and young people in developing a response to domestic violence is crucial. Using art and the creative process fosters self-expression, enhances coping skills, relieves stress, and strengthens sense of self.

The response programme for young people will produce a DVD as the final product after a number of group work sessions.

The programmes will target 50 women and 50 young people. For more information please visit the project website at

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