

Exchange House Ireland Welcomes #Yes Vote

Exchange House Ireland National Travellers Service welcomes the result of the Marriage Equality Referendum on May 22 and is looking forward to being part of a more inclusive and equal Ireland.

As a result of the hard work and dedication of a coalition of the willing, the Irish Constitution will now recognise all citizens as having the right to marry regardless of their sexuality. The highly successful #YesEquality campaign has shown the world that a small country can take a big step in leading the way towards equal rights, and that as a nation, we can make significant change happen.

Ireland will now see it’s people  as one and shares with them the opportunity and right to marry regardless of their sexual orientation. A vision and practice shared by no more than 20 countries across the world to date. Ireland is the first country to have changed its law, in this regard, by a popular vote.  The Irish Constitution will now state “Marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex”.

Exchange House Ireland, as the largest front-line service provider for the Traveller community, supported the #YesEquality campaign from the outset.

Catherine Egan Morley; Chief Executive, views this result as an opportunity for “civil society, the private sector and ordinary citizens to come together and work towards a more inclusive and equitable society. An Ireland of equals, where difference is acknowledged, respected and constitutionally protected is one which the community we serve also deserves to live in.  Next stop #TravellerEthnicity, this can only be seen as a call to action”.

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