

National Educational Achievement Awards 2015

The Exchange House Ireland National Educational Achievement Award 2015 will take place on Friday, October 9th in The Wood Quay Venue, at Dublin City Council's offices. 

The Exchange House Ireland National Educational Achievement Award is presented to Travellers who have recently completed the Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate, GCSE, A-Level examinations or Third Level Courses, in recognition of the hard work and commitment shown by the recipients in reaching their goals. 

The Exchange House Ireland National Educational Achievement Award is a celebration of the success of the recipients providing a chance to congratulate people on a job well done. The Award highlights role models for other Travellers who may be considering formal education and is proactive in promoting the value of formal education. There is a prize draw at the event for receipents with exciting prizes.

If you would like to nominate someone this year for an award, please click on the Nomination Form button below and fill out our online form or call the Education & Training Service on +353 1 872 1094.





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