

Traveller Pride 2020 - Celebrating our Differences #diversitywithin

Traveller Pride Week: 13th - 24th July 2020

Recognising Diversity & Pride within the Traveller Community

National Traveller Pride has been held annually with support from the Department of Justice and Equality. During Traveller Pride Week, national and local events take place around the country, celebrating and promoting Travellers contribution to every aspect of Irish life. 

With the backdrop of Covid-19, this year's Traveller Pride Week will be an Online for a National Traveller Campaign. Starting Monday 13th of July 2020, this year's theme will be “Recognising Diversity & Pride within the Traveller Community". We will be supporting and promoting Traveller diversity and Travellers' contribution to every aspect of Irish life.

The objectives of Traveller Pride Week are to;

  • To build within the community, a sense of pride, esteem and recognition in their Traveller identity and cultural background including recognition of role models
  • Develop awareness and promote an understanding of Traveller position in Irish society
  • Highlight Travellers contribution to Irish society
  • Promote Traveller participation in public life and policy development
  • Celebrate the contribution of Travellers to Irish society as a whole
  • To build solidarity amongst the community acknowledging Travellers own contribution,  breaking down barriers, providing encouragement and opening doors
  • To address stereotyping
  • To profile individuals while building a sense of a collective at local and national levels
  • To recognise local commitment and dedication
  • To recognise those whose contribution may have gone unacknowledged

We need to acknowledge that we are all different in age, appearance, disability, abilities, values, beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, religion, autism, colour and ethnicity. It's important to acknowledge and celebrate our differences as a community to show our love and affection for one another in the face of hostility hate and racism in Ireland. We ask you to join this national Traveller awareness campaign 2020

How can you support this online campaign.

  • Support and highlight the richness of diversity within the Traveller community by encouraging the community to put together short messages or video clips addressing diversity.
  • It takes courage to put up a post and share it on social media. Write a positive message of encouragement and support for those sharing stories.
  • Share your support and solidarity for others within our community and let them know you support them.  
  • To our allies within the settled community, you can use your status and position within society as musicians, sportspeople, politicians and campaigners, as friends, and share a personal message of support on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  • Amplify our message as a community during Traveller Pride Week by everyone flooding social media during Traveller Pride Week. 
  • Civil Society and community groups can join the campaign by sending messages and short clips and sharing.

Traveller Pride Week 2020 is an opportunity for all us to work together to highlight and amplify our message to the wider society. Through our online campaign, we will highlight and promote the richness of Traveller diversity and celebrate this together throughout Traveller Pride Week 2020.

Show your support Join National Traveller Pride Week Campaign




To download a poster click here











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