

30 years - a big thank you

The staff and board of Exchange House, would like to thank all those who celebrated our 30 year anniversary with us from the 20th to the 22nd of October 2010! Our Looking Back: Moving Forward event as well as our National Educational Achievement Award ceremony were a fabulous success! Exchange House's headquarters at 61 Great Strand Street proved to be the perfect venue for our celebration.

Approximately 250 people attended our Looking back: Moving Forward event on Wednesday and many came from as far as Tipperary, Waterford, Belfast, Cork, and Donegal! Past and present staff, interns, volunteers, participants, and friends came to celebrate Exchange House's 30 years of accomplishments!

On Thursday we had over 150 people attend the free taster training seminars and stopped by for our Open House. Our National Educational Achievement Award on Friday was a beautiful success filled with great excitement and youthfulness, with over 100 recipients of the Award. The Award ceremony was generously co-sponsored by Dublin City Council and hosted in the Wood Quay Venue.

View some of the video highlights of the three days (It's only 3 minutes long.)

We want to give a special thanks to all who have contributed their time and money to make our work possible. Thank you to them and their continuous support and commitment to the advancement of Travellers in Ireland!

Ms. Mary Harney TD, Minister for Health & Children with Heydi Foster, Director of Exchange House at the 30 year celebration Looking back: Moving Forward
[from left to right] Ms. Carmel Terry, Board of Management of Exchange House; Bro. Michael O'Flaherty, Congregation of Christian Brothers; Mary Harney; Dr. Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin; Heydi Foster
Dr. Diarmuid Martin addresses the guests at Looking Back: Moving Forward
[from left to right] William McDonagh, Exchange House Yout Service Team Leader; Mary Harney; Ms. Mary McDermott, ALO, CDVEC; Dr. Diarmuid Martin; Ms. Cathleen McDonagh-Clark, Exchange House Education Service Team Leader
Exchange House National Educational Achievement Award 2010 recipients at the Wood Quay Venue
Mr. Barry Andrews TD, Minister for Children & Youth Affairs addresses the National Educational Achievement Award 2010 recipients at the Wood Quay Venue
[from left to right] Lord Mayor of Dublin, Gerry Breen; Bro. Kevin Mullan, Congregation of Christian Brothers; and Heydi Foster at the National Educational Achievement Award 2010
Mary McDermott of the CDVEC presents Patrick Stokes with the top raffle prize of a voucher for a laptop at the National Educational Achievement Award 2010
The staff and volunteers of Exchange House say a big thank you to all for celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Exchange House National Travellers Service

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