

Traveller Pride Week

Traveller Pride Week celebrates the contribution Travellers make both within their own communities and to Irish society as a whole, through their culture, enterprise, sporting excellence and professional expertise across every area and unique history and tradition. It runs between the 2nd and 10th December 2010.

As part of these celebrations Exchange House National Travellers Service will be hosting three free taster training seminars:

7th Dec: Best Practice in working with Travellers with Addiction

8th Dec: Best Practice in working with Travellers experiencing Domestic Violence

9th Dec: An Introduction to the Traveller Community

All training seminars are from 10am to 1pm and will be held in our offices at 61 Great Strand Street, Dublin 1.

Spaces are limited to 20 persons for each seminar, and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. To book your place on any of these free training seminars please click here and fill in the request form. A email will be sent to confirm if you have secured a place on the seminar.

(Please note these are not the regular, full training seminars but shorter taster seminars.)

For more information on Traveller Pride Week visit

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