

Exchange House Learners Education Awards

The Learners from the FÁS Local Training Initiative and the Exchange House FÁS Community Employment Scheme had their Certificate Awards day on June 28th 2012.

This is a treasured annual event in Exchange House where we celebrate an ever increasing standard of achievement by our learners. Indeed, there was plenty to celebrate this year as 40 FETAC Minor Awards were presented and two FETAC Major Awards in General Learning.

The Minor Awards were in:

  • First Aid - Level 5
  • Information Technology - Level 3
  • Food & Nutrition - Level 3
  • Textiles - Level 3
  • Communications - Level 3
  • Maths - Level 2

Two Learners, Donna McCarthy and Donna O’Donnell received their Major Awards at Level 3.

The Awards Day was an opportunity for the Learners to celebrate their achievements with each other and the staff and tutors of the Education Services. Heydi Foster presented the Certificates formally and lunch was served afterwards so Learners, Staff and Tutors could relax and celebrate, marking the end of a long, successful year of hard work.

Photgraphs of the awards

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