

Exchange House's Young People enter the Gaisce Awards

The Youth Service is delighted to announce that we have two young people, Bridget McDonagh and Christine Stokes, taking part in Gaisce. Gaisce, The President's Award, is Ireland's National Challenge Award for young people, the country's most prestigious and respected individual Award programme. It is a challenge from the President of Ireland to the young people of Ireland.

Gaisce works on the basis of a personal challenge set by the young person. A young person sets their own challenge and agrees it with a President's Award Leader (PAL). There is no competing with other participants, as each challenge is completely individual – the only person you will compete with is yourself.

These young people came to us with the desire to part take in Gaisce and we were happy to facilitate and support this request. Two Exchange House Youth Workers are becoming President Award Leaders and will support the young people to achieve their Bronze Awards.

The young people are very active and also represent their community and schools at regular Comhairle na nÓg Meetings. In order for these young people to receive their Bronze Award they must complete tasks covering these four different areas: Community Involvement, Personal Skills, Physical Recreation and Adventure Journey/ Residential.


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