

Minster Frances Fitzgerald to present the National Educational Achievement Awards 2012

It’s that time of year again!

The 2012 Exchange National Educational Achievement Award is due to take place on the evening of Friday, November 2nd 2012, in the Dublin City Council Building in the Wood Quay Venue. This year the awards will be presented by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Frances Fitzgerald

Exchange House is now accepting nominations for National Educational Achievement Award. The closing date for receipt of nominations is Friday October 19th 2012. If you would like to nominate someone for an award, please contact Paula or Cathleen on 01 872 1094 or

fill out the online form

The award is open to all Travellers from the 32 counties that have completed Leaving Certificate, Junior Certificate, GCSE’s and A levels, certificates, diplomas or degrees.

This is the fifth annual award ceremony. Since the inaugural ceremony in 2009, Exchange House has presented over 350 learners with the National Educational Achievement Award.

This Award congratulates students on the success of their studies, noting that this is their achievement as a result of all their hard work, the support of their families and their Teachers. It also highlights role models within the Traveller community.

The recipients are all inspirational to any person who are preparing for exams or who are thinking of returning to education. This event also portrays to the wider community some of the positive things happening in the Traveller community.

This event focuses on positive aspects of the Traveller community and illustrates that much is being achieved by individuals and the community in general.

Each year there are fantastic prizes to be won by the recipients who are present at the awards. This year we have a lap top, an iPad, cameras, MP3 players and surprises to be won in the annual raffle

Upon reflection of the previous years of the award there are many remarkable things to note. Each individual recipient has achieved great things in their own right, exploring their potential and striving to fulfil it.

One of the most noteworthy things of all is that the number of recipients has grown year on year, reflecting the drive and desire within the Traveller community for formal education.

Last year saw an increase in the number of Leaving Certificate recipients and our first Degree recipient. This is a trend we hope to see continuing long into the future.

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