

New training programmes at Exchange House

Exchange House's Education Service expanded its range of courses in October to include a Security Training Course and ITABE (Intensive Tutition in Adult Basic Education).

This expansion forms part of the Education Service's mission to give our Travellers learners as many opportunities to develop and gain access to employment or further education.

Security Training Course

Twelve Community Employment Learners have just completed the Security Training in October. They completed two FETAC Level 4 certificates - Door Supervision and Security Guarding Skills. The courses provided learners with both practical skills and knowledge of legislative requirements for Security Operatives. The learners are looking forward to getting their licences, securing employment and putting their new skills to the test!

ITABE (Intensive Tuition in Adult Basic Education)

The Exchange House Education Service has commenced an ITABE course for some of our learners. The course is being kindly provided by the City of Dublin VEC. This course provides Intensive Tuition in Adult Basic Education and will run until December with the learners receiving intense tuition in Literacy, Communications, Maths and IT skills.

Although 70% - 80% of Exchange House's learners present with some level of literacy difficulties, the ITABE course is designed for intensive preparation for learners to improve core skills that facilitate their entry into other FETAC courses offered by Exchange House. Approximately 25% of our learners have started the ITABE course.

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