
Youth Mental Health Service Naming Competition - Terms & Conditions

  • Entries must be posted on the original Exchange House Ireland social media post (on which the video is hosted) by 12 noon, Monday 09/05/2022
  • By entering this competition, you accept your suggested name can be used for the Youth Mental Health project at Exchange House Ireland and you have no further claim to the name
  • A shortlist will be compiled by Exchange House Ireland from entries posted on the original Exchange House Ireland social media video post
  • The shortlist will be voted on in an online poll.  The name with the most votes in the poll wins
  • The names of all entrants who suggested the winning name will be put in a hat and a prize winner drawn.  The winner will be announced by 13/05/2022
  • The prize is a single set of Samsung Galaxy Ear Buds

The winner will be announced on social media and the winner will be contacted via private message and/or tag on the social media platform on which they entered the competition.