
Adult Literacy & Educational Supports

Exchange House Ireland's Education and Training Services provides Adult Literacy and Educational Supports for individual adult Travellers which include literacy, numeracy, computers and the arts.

Learning opportunities are provided in one-to-one and/or group settings depending on the needs of the learner.

The adult educational supports are designed and timetabled to suit the learners’ preferences. Programmes are offered on an hourly, full morning or afternoon basis.

The City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB) supports the service by funding tutors to teach modules in literacy, numeracy, computers and literacy through art. Due to the dedication, hard work and commitment of the CDETB tutors, learners can avail of high quality adult basic education programmes, many of which are QQI accredited.


If you would like to contact us about education or literacy supports, to access our service or just for some more information, please either:

call 01 872 1094 and ask for the Education and Training Service

or email