
Local Training Initiative [LTI]

This is a full-time training programme Pathway to Employment. The programme is funded by City of Dublin Education and Training Board. The programme is open to male and female participants between the ages of 16-35.


Our Training Programme

The programme leads to QQI full level 4 Award 4N2010 (90 Credit) in General Learning and will cover the modules outlined below.

Module Module Type Module Number
Communications Compulsory 4N0689
Functional Maths Compulsory 4N2138/4N1987
Information Technology Skills Compulsory 4N1125
Work Experience Compulsory 4N1168
Personal Effectiveness Compulsory 4N1132
Retails Sales Techniques Optional 4N1183
Health Related Fitness Elective 4N2666
Business English Optional 4N1108
Digital Media Elective 4N1858

The training programme is learner directed. The aim of the training programme is to provide participants with the education and skills to progress onto further education or into employment.

The Local Training Initiative is a one-year full academic programme.

To access programmes leading to this award the learner should have reached the standards of knowledge, skill and competence associated with the preceding level of the National Framework of Qualifications. Minimum entry requirements apply, consideration will be given to those who can demonstrate prior recognition of learning.

Achievement of this award will enable the learner to progress to other appropriate programmes leading to awards at the next or higher levels of the National Framework of Qualifications.


Progression Routes for Learners

There are a number of progression routes available having gained your level 4 Full Awards

QQI offer a useful qualification search which allows you to locate your completed qualification and identify possible Major Options Awards


Learners can also search and apply for this QQI programme using the 


Previous participants of our LTI programme have progressed to Further Education and Training in areas such as Social Care, Community and Youth, Administration, Apprenticships and many more. Other learners have progressed to Employment


Getting in Contact

Would you like more information about our Local Training Inititiave Programme, or would like to apply

Call Paddy Byrne on 087 3311 4116 or email him at, or

call Vanessa Hurley on 087 169 2014 or email her at