
After-Schools Programme - Labre Park

The Labre Park After-Schools programme operates in Ballyfermot three afternoons per week.

The programme works with primary school children of both genders. We provide transport, homework support and educational activities such as games, computers and art. The programme is learner directed and caters to the needs of the children and their families as identified by them.

The success of such a programme, when run in close cooperation with local schools and the Visiting Teacher Service, on an interagency model, is that it delivers a highquality educational experience. It engages parents in their children’s education and the link with schools helps the children to feel welcome and at home in school.

The service was developed by Exchange House in response to the difficulties faced by families struggling to assist their children with schoolwork. This is a crucial service which provides children with a space for educational supports which gives children the confidence to fully engage in school life.

The fact that the programme is managed by Exchange House National Traveller Service ensures that the Traveller community has a sense of ownership of the programme.

The After-Schools Programme aims to support Traveller children in school by providing:

  • A quiet space for homework
  • Assistance in completing homework
  • Computers
  • Additional leisure activities
  • Physical exercise
  • Arts and crafts