





The project Bringing Young Mothers Back to Education – BYMBE aims to produce training tools in support of the work of social workers, teachers and trainers for the purpose of sustaining young mothers between 15 and 25 years old in re-entering education or training for a better access to the labour world.

Target groups of the project:

  • Young mothers aged 15-25 who have not finished professional education and Social Workers
  • Social workers, teachers, trainers, other stakeholders in the field and general public for dissemination;

Overall objective of the project is to improve social inclusion of young mothers, which are not in employment, education or training (NEETs) by bringing them back to school (education or training). The specific project objectives reflect the holistic and innovative nature of the approach chosen by the partners.


Objectives of BYMBE Project:

  • Adapt and promote good practices of support for young mothers for going back to school or in employment in Europe.
  • Develop innovative outreach strategy & motivational campaign for awareness raising on the issue of early school leaving of young mothers and a support package for young mothers in need to finalize their education.
  • To improve the knowhow and awareness of social workers, teachers and trainers working with the young mothers by providing additional tools, knowledge and skills for their work.
  • Develop holistic support instruments for young mothers and provide effective orientation and career guidance to young mothers through holistic support instruments, including counselling, training and peer-group activities.
  • Disseminate project results and raise awareness about the problem and how to address it. 


The planned project impact on the young mothers 

The overall longterm impact of the BYMBE project will be to raise the general awareness of the risk to be exposed to poverty of young mothers dropping out education and to motivate young mothers to re-enter education.

Most important on shortterm during the lifetime of the BYMBE project is the development of a successful support package for young mothers which will be implemented in a pilot with min. 12 young mothers from 6 countries (all together 72) are expected to re-enter education.  They will be the pioneers for promotion of the project tools after the project end.

BYMBE shall have a remarkable impact on professional education of young mothers and the reduction of being exposed to social exclusion and at risk of poverty. The individual activities shall improve:

1) Their awareness regarding the fact that they have low chances to have a job and earn a reasonable income to assure living standards for themselves and their child without professional education;

2) The provision of professional orientation and counselling tailored to their special needs;

3) Their social skills, motivation, self-awareness and ability to make decisions for their life;

4) The support provision to them during the process of education which enables them to carry out their professional plans till the end.

As a result with the motivation of young mothers to return and finished their education will be improved. So this will be reflected in a greater number of young mothers who finish their studies. The employability of young mothers will increase, since they will receive work orientation and empowerment training. All of this will have a direct impact on the children of the young mothers, as it will improve the quality of life and future of both.


Our partners in this project are:

Austria Frauen im Brennpunkt
Bulgaria CATRO Bulgaria EOOD
Lituania Socialiniu Inovcilu Fondas
Spain Magenta Consultoria Projects S.L.U.


For more information click on the links below

Visit the Project's Website

Visit the Project's Facebook page

Click here

Download a copy of the Project's

Report on National Education and Support for Young Mothers

Download a copy of the Project's

Handbook for Outreach Awareness & Motivation Strategies

Download a copy of the Project's

Set of Intervention Methods to Involve Young NEET Mothers

Download a copy of the Project's

Orientation Pack

Download a copy of the Project's

Orientation Pack Annex

Download a copy of the Project's

Empowerment Pack

Download a copy of the Project's

Empowerment Pack Annex


This project (2017-1-AT01-KA204-035007) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.