







The name of Shanarani has its origin from the indigenous people Purepecha. It means “walker” to indicate the union of the “feminine” and the “masculine”.

Shanarani aims to build attractive methods of film/acting and music to raise awareness of the importance of gender equal opportunities for all and reducing gender related stereotyping.


About the Project

Through exchange of good practices and a sharing of lessons learned in transnational cooperation, Shanarani will develop the following objectives:

  • to support youth workers adapting and promoting good practices in their work on gender issues and avoidance of stereotyping.
  • to enhance the participation of young people in developing innovative and motivational methodologies to overcome stereotypes on gender issues.
  • to involve young people and support youth workers through online tools such as digital handbooks and an online platform developed during the project.
  • to spread the project’s results at local, national and international level within relevant communities, stakeholders and decision makers and to raise awareness about gender issues and the avoidance of stereotyping.

Shanarani project aims to implement several online tools to raise the general awareness on the importance of gender equal opportunities for all and reducing gender related stereotyping.  One tool will be a user-friendly platform where one will interact in several ways to discover gender stereotypes’ background. It  can be used with personal computers or handheld devices, one can choose when and where to start to join our community!


Our European partners in the projects are:

Spain Asociación Caminos
Bulgaria SouthWest Initiative
Lithuania Socialiniu Inovcilu Fondas


Visit the project website

Images from the 1st Transnational Partner Meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria

Click here

Images from a presentation regarding Shanarani in Exchange House Ireland

Click here


This project (2017-2-ES02-KA205-009786) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.