
Tandem Now

Tandem NowThe aim of Tandem Now is to provide a mentorship programme for young people, providing them with training, support, information, and guidance on their chosen career path.

The training is focused on blended mentoring which encompasses both face-to-face and online sessions. Tandem Now promotes technological developments in mentoring and the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to improve career opportunities for ethnic minority groups.

This project includes partner countries from Austria, Spain, Italy, Greece, Germany, and Ireland. The partners will have a total of three meetings together throughout the project's life span where they will plan, share information, design training, and evaluate the progress of the work.

As partner 6, Exchange House are working on the evaluation section of the project and will gather feedback from all of the other partners. This feedback shows partners what aspects of the project are going well and what areas may need improvement in order for the project to be a success. The feedback is presented in the form of a report and provided to all partners after each meeting.

Visit the project's website

Images of the 1st partners' meeting in Innsbruck, Austria

Click here

Images of the 2nd partners' meeting in Bilbao, Spain

Click here

Lifelong Learning Programme A Lifelong Learning Programme