
Moving On









Our Premise and Main Aim

Valorise the potential of sport to celebrate the identity of the community, proposing examples of good practice and inclusion through sport as the foundation for successful approaches in the future for Roma, Sinti and Traveller (RST) people, local communities, institutions and sport organisations.

Fill the gap between the recognition of sport in European Union (EU) initiatives and policies and the lack of specific focus and strategies to make sure that vulnerable groups, as RST people, can effectively access to the social, mental, physical, relational benefits of sport.


EU Youth Goals we focus on

#1 - Connecting EU with Youth

#3 - Inclusive Societies

#10 - Sustainable Green Europe


Moving On - Main Objectives

1) Promote equal access to sport

For Roma, Sinti and Traveller people as tool to prevent discriminations and enhance equal opportunities and wellbeing, tackling specific barriers and multiple discriminations based on gender and ethnicity

2) Increase capacity of grassroots sport sector

Social organisations, public authorities to promote inclusion through sport and increase equal participation in sport for RST people, also reducing impact of the Covid-19 on the possibilities to engage in sport for the target group

3) Promote positive storytelling

Around stories and successful practices of inclusion through sport and in sport of RST people, to inspire others and contrast prejudices that fuel antigypsyism

4) Promote awareness on the role of sport

As a tool of inclusion and its valorisation in the implementation of EU Roma strategic framework on equality, inclusion and participation at local, national and European level


Out Target Groups

Roma, Sinti, Traveller Youth, at least 30% young women and girls, with 25 events EU wide

Sport organisations, NGOs and local Authorities - a minimum of 20 sport clubs and a minimum of 80 stakeholders


Main Impacts

Impact 1 – Youth

Increased opportunities for RST youth to access inclusive sport activities together with non RST peers, reducing prejudices; Increased attention and initiatives for their physical and mental wellbeing

Impact 2 – Sport Clubs

Increased knowledge on access in sport for RST people; Improved capacity to develop accessible sport activities and methods to engage RST and gender based approach

Impact 3 - NGOs

Increased attention and initiatives for their physical and mental wellbeing; increased capacity to contrast antigypsyism and stereotypes against RST among peers

Impact 4 – Decision-Makers

Improved valorisation of sport as a tool of inclusion and contrast of antigypsyism in the implementation of the EU strategic framework at local, nationals and EU level


Exchange House Ireland's partners in Moving On are:

Italy GEA Social Cooperative
Czechia INEX/SDA -  Association for Voluntary Activities
Spain FAGiC - Federation of Roma Associations in Catalonia
EU  ALDA - European Association for Local Democracy
EU ERRC - European Roma Rights Centre
EU Fare Network


For project news and more information please click on the items below:

Visit the Moving On Project's Website

Click here

First Internal Moving On Team meeting

31st January 2023

First Transnational Partner Meeting

Prague, Czechia

7th - 8th March 2023

Online partnership meeting

21st April 2023

Second Transnational Partner Meeting

Barcelona, Spain

11th - 12th December 2023

Local Stakeholders 1st meeting (online)

Read more here

Local Stakeholders' 2nd meeting

Read more here

Moving On Child Protection Policies

Click here

Moving On

Research Report In English

Moving On

Collaborative Review of Local Strategies for RST In English






Funded with the assistance of The European Commission's

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme