
Catch the Spirit - Youth in Action

Youth In ActionExchange House National Travellers Service has been selected as a partner in the EU Youth in Action - Catch the Spirit Project.

The youth exchange took place in August 2010 in Innsbruck, Austria. The other partners are organisations from Austria, Slovakia and Germany. The theme of the project is Poverty and Social Exclusion and a DVD will be produced by the youths taking part. Five Traveller youngsters worked on the project in Exchange House and brought their work to Austria. This work will be included in the final DVD which will be used as a training tool for young people in different settings. Twenty young people, from the four countries, are taking part in the project and they are all from minority backgrounds.

Visit the project's website

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Images of the Young Peoples' Meeting in Innsbruck, Austria

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Images of the DVD Launch

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Read about this event