
New Horizons









New Horizons is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership which is addressing the needs of a very specific and at the same time heterogeneous target group - people who have acquired disability after an accident or illness. The lack of data about the support these people would need to re-integrate in the society and labour market is evident, not only on EU, but also on national level. However the statistics clearly state that one in six people in the EU has a disability that ranges from mild to severe making around 80 million who are often prevented from taking part fully in society and the economy  due to environmental and attitudinal barriers (European Disability Strategy 2010-2020). Most disabilities develop during the adult life and many of those are not visible (Employment and Disability – Back to Work, 2004).

These are some of the underlying reasons for the main aspiration of the project – to create a specially adapted to the needs of the long-term unemployed people who have some disabling physical illness or injury career counselling programme which will

  • foster theirs self-awareness, self-confidence and self-motivation to identify and grasp new opportunities to develop themselves in personal and professional terms;
  • increase their employability skills as well as of those who are at risk of loosing their job due to permanent absence due to health problems by helping them by finding new career paths or making their own business ideas come true.
  • address the equality issues through disseminating project good practices in round tables with relevant stakeholders and promoting inclusive education and training
  • enhance the professional qualification of the counsellorse by helping them develop  stronger awareness and sensitivity for working with people with disadvantaged background

In addition to that, the project intends to establish online social tool which should not only serve as e-learning platform to assist both counsellors and long-term unemployed in the implementation of the career counselling programme but also encourage them to share ideas, exchange experience and to find emotional, personal and professional support.

Thus, the holistic approach of New Horizons will foster the overall integration of long-term unemployed people with acquired disabilities and their full participation in the society. 


Our partners in this exciting project are:

Bulgaria CATRO Bulgaria EOOD
Cyprus IMS Research & Development Center
Germany die Berater
Greece University of Thessaly
Spain Defoin
United Kingdom DACORUM Council for Coluntary Service


For more information click on the links below

Visit the project website

Visit the project's Facebook page

Download the project's brochure

PDF (472KB)

Images of the Kick-off Partner Meeting in Thessaly, Greece

Click here


This project (2014-1-BG01-KA204-001721) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.