
Horsemen Project

HorsemenThe Horsemen Project was designed to meet the needs of Traveller, Gypsy and Roma young people in the area of vocational training.

Traditionally, these communities have been associated with horses and feedback indicated that a training programme based on the care of horses would be a useful way of engaging with young people in the communities and provide them with skills relevant to the labour market in each of the participating member states, Ireland, Spain and Hungary.

The overall aim of the project was to develop a module for use as part of vocational training. Exchange House was asked to coordinate the consultation phase prior to module development, to assess the needs of young people and potential employers. The specific objectives included engagement with the Traveller (Ireland), Gypsy (Spain) and Roma (Hungary); to identify the skills present within the various communities in relation to horse care, to determine the level of interest in the care of horses among young people in the communities and to make recommendations for the development of a module for use with the target groups.

William McDonagh, Barney Power and Helen Campbell, visited Traveller and Roma communities in Holland, Hungary and Spain as part of the transnational work of Horsemen.

The project ran from 2002 to 2004.

Report on WP3 - Consultation Process with Traveller, Roma and Gypsy Communities

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Report on WP6 - Consultation, Module development, Evaluation and Dissemination

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A Leonardos da Vinci programme